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An encounter with Mother Mary, 25 April 2008 @ Knock, Ireland

25 April 2008, My friend and I, drove to Knock, Ireland to a catholic pilgrimage site to visit and absorb the presence of Christ.

In 1879, there was an apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph, Saint John the Evangelist, angels, and Jesus Christ (the Lamb of God) at the gable of a small church. About 25 people witnessed this for 2 hours in the rain.

The church placed a part of the gable wall where the apparition of Mother Mary, St Joseph, St John, Angels and the Lamb of God appeared outside the church door so people can say their prayers.

When I prayed I felt a deep sense of sadness that mankind continues to be so far from God and doing all kinds of unthinkable things despite Mother Mary coming to us again and again to ask us to repent and turn towards her Son, Jesus.

I said a prayer that thanked Mother Mary, I felt a flood of gratefulness towards Our Mother for never giving up on us regardless how evil and unrepentant we all can be.

As I placed my hand on the rock, suddenly drops of water started appearing on the surface of this 3x3 ft rock n flowed non stop for a few hours trickling down like tears.

People started coming when they discovered this miraculous appearance of water from the rock.

To me they were her tears.
I felt Our Mother's joy that someone was actually thanking her for her deep worries for us, for our salvation and for the realization of how awful human beings can be and has been.

I thank God and Our Mother for this lovely experience. It was a connection like no other.

written June 2018 by Millicent Tan 


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